To help with the distance, players can use the Strong Arm Base Perk to throw equipment farther and see a preview of the trajectory. Without this ability, you can only access Secondary weapons, such as Handguns, Melee devices, and Launchers. For example, the Overkill Base Perk allows players to carry two primary weapons, where they can equip guns with better range. If you have more of a long-range battle playstyle in Modern Warfare 2, then you should definitely have a few of these skills in your Perk Package. Or, you can choose the Survivor Ultimate Perk to have one Last Stand upon death. Players can also increase their health regeneration by capturing and holding objectives in multiplayer modes like Domination and Hardpoint. With the Quick Fix ability, you can regenerate your health once you take down an opponent. Lastly, tank players can select the Quick Fix or the Survivor Ultimate Perks to increase their chances of survival. This ability will undoubtedly come in handy in intense situations, especially if the enemy is consistently throwing out Tactical or Lethal equipment.

The Bomb Squad Base Perk lessens the damage of a non-Killstreak explosive and resets the fuze timers when you pick up live grenades.

To top it off, it also makes you immune to Snapshot Grenades. First, we have the Battle Hardened skill, which reduces the effect of the opposing teams’ Flash, Stun, EMP, Gas Grenades, and Shock Sticks. With this in mind, players can equip the Base and Ultimate Perks shown above to withstand enemy attacks. As a tank player, it’s best to have protective abilities that can prolong your survivability rate in battle.